Who needs a Tech Solutions company?
For instance, Pactag Technologies describes itself as a “reliable, secured and cost-effective technology solutions” company for business companies, but what does it mean concretely?
Not every company has the internal resources to have IT developers working full-time for them. And they should definitely not go for it when their core business is not in the IT branch! Companies all over the world need to focus on their key assets and deliver what they deliver best: THEIR expertise, THEIR services, THEIR products.
Still, the online world needs to support them. A delivery company need their clients to be able to book trucks online, monitor the location of all kinds of packages and goods in real-time. A hairdresser needs clients to be able to book a suitable time online, whether it’s 2 o’clock in the morning or the middle of the afternoon. A flower shop needs to make potential customers know when the shop is open, where it is located and how to get there without any human assistance.
This is what the online world delivers: services available 24/7 everywhere in the world in real time and without any human assistance needed as much as possible. Not just to reduce costs but mostly to enhance the customer journey. And this is where Tech Solutions companies are for.
An external IT provider
Tech solutions companies make their IT experts available for any company in the world to execute and deliver online or smartphone based applications for their end-clients. They have the IT skills and know-how to deliver digital solutions for any small or large business who needs it.
Concretely, you can expect the delivery of a smartphone application to make your e-commerce available to your customers and enhance their shopping experience. Or you may want to deploy a brand new e-commerce platform on the web, having it available for both desktop and mobile phones.
The important point to remember is that you will have an IT team dedicated to your needs without having them on your payroll. You pay what you need and you do not burden your core activity with projects you are not even good to manage.
A cost-efficient digital project management
Tech solutions companies have a lot of skills and experience to share as they gather projects, making them a perfect asset to deliver any digital product or solution quickly, efficiently and cost effective. Their experience lies in gathering your requirements, asking the right questions to have the full view of your project before they deliver a quote to you that they will have to respect.
This is why asking about previous experiences is important for you to select the right tech solution company. Past developments, respected timelines and quality of the deliverables. A good tech solution company will be able to explain to you which technology makes sense to ensure you have the best expected results.
Their job is nothing but IT project management, so you are sure to have a good team being well directed that will work for you. And THIS will save you time AND money. A lot. Of both.
A wide range of deliveries
The benefits of a tech solution company is to provide you with a wide range of experience and knowledge as this will make sure that all requirements of your project are met.
Web design, mobile development, back-end integrations, AI integrations, e-commerce implementations, automation, customer experience enhancement (UX design), websites creations (always responsive), brand management throughout all products is the minimum you can expect from a tech solution company.
The wider the range, the more experienced the company is, the easiest and fastest it will adapt to your needs.
What about Pactag Technologies?
Pactag Technologies can deliver all this know-how and IT expertise in the latest technologies available to businesses of all size: whether you are a single entrepreneur, a SMB or a large company, you can call Pactag Technologies to deliver the solution.
Even IT companies can outsource parts of some of their projects that requires more than their actual IT capability. A helping hand can come in handy in unusually busy times.

Other sources:
What is a tech company? by Quora